Me and my best friend.

Me and my best friend.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The close of 2011

Wow can you believe this year is already over? I guess when you have such a busy life time fly's right by. This year has been filled with good, bad, ugly, and worse. Thank goodness for all of these or we would never see the blessings we truly have right in front of us each day.
This year we have had two surgery's in our home and many Dr.s apt's like every year but now we have not only Andy to thank for that but Nathan as well. His Asthma has hit an all time high this year and he has been in and out of the hospital all year. The Dr.s have looked for lung disease and immune system disorders and can't really understand why it is so difficult to get his asthma under control. I guess Idaho air just isn't what it's made out to be. LOL So right now we treat him and have lots of E.R visits and pray he will grow out of it.
Our year has also been filled with Kim graduating from BSU w/ a Bachelor of science medicine. He has worked hard for a long time achieving this goal and can I say while working full time at the hospital taking a full load in school and Army on the side and church callings. Kim is the hardest working man I know and we as a family are so thankful for this and how hard he works to provide for us.
We also gave our dog away to another home this summer because of Nate's Asthma and this was so hard for especially me. Harley was my dog for 6 years which for a great Dane is a life time.
Caleb has turned 10 this year and is growing so fast I can't keep up with his clothes. He is in a size 12 or 14. He loves School and is getting good grades he also after years of begging his father and I got a lizard. If any boy deserves it it's Caleb what a good boy he is.
Andy has just turned 8 this last week and is so excited to be baptized as a member of The church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints. If you were at Caleb's baptism two years ago you know Andy was so upset to not be able to be baptized yet he got half way into the water himself. Now it's finely his turn and he is thrilled.
Nathan turned 5 this summer and that was a big change for all of us. He started going to KG three days a week full days and loves it. He does hate riding the bus so we are still working on this area. but the also is passing Andy up in mile stones and is helping Andy learn things wich is nice and difficult sometimes because Andy notices his little brother can do it and he can't. It is a blessing though that Nate is so willing to be patient and kind to Andy and teach him along as he learnes as well. This is just one of the many reasons we love our little nater Tater.
We are so thankful for all that we have been blessed with this year. We are thankful for the hard times so we can more fully see the great blessings we may not always see and notice. And we are waiting to see what next year brings our way. So bring it on...

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11-

Wow allot has
happened in just a few months time. There really is little quiet time around
our house. We have come to realize that if we have enjoyed a few months of slow
and quiet that it is only a matter of time till the storm comes our way. Not as
a bad thing but we have learned that God only gives us so much time to catch
our breath and then says okay Wilson family pick up your boot straps lets go

We have had a
few too many surgeries in our home this year. J
But on the good note we made it 10 months without any operations for Andy. That
is a record for that little boy. Andy has had an operation every year sense he
was born. We thought we were going to make it a year without but didn’t end up
that way. And we are pretty sure he is going to have another in January. So
again on the bright side we meet our family deductable right away for the year.

I have also
had some health struggles and had the opportunity to have my gallbladder out a
few weeks ago. Pretty sure God put in us for a purpose not sure what but hopefully
I won’t miss it. So far I don’t. I also had the opportunity to have my sister
in-law Chelsea come and stay a week while I was down to help take care of my
children and me while Kim was working. It was so nice having her here I wish it
was for different reasons but the boys loved it and loved seeing baby Ari there
newly adopted cousin.

So I have so
much to tell but so much to also be thankful for in this close of our year. I
will be 30 this New Year and I have seen and done and heard much in my 30 short
years and I hope I see and do even more in the next 30 years. I want to travel
to Mexico and Hawaii and New Zealand also Florida again and Virginia New York
and Italy. I want to go to Australia and a few others but this gives you an idea
of what I want to see J
Things I want to do this next year, I want to
ride a century bike ride 100 miler. I want to backpack with my boys and husband
to redfish lake and would love to backpack through somewhere like Mexico. I
would like to loose twenty lbs. and run a few races while I’m at it.

My Boys Caleb
Andy and Nate are all in school this year and I thought it would be so peaceful
and relaxing at home and our house would be cleaner but not true at all. With
three boys I get calls all the time from the teachers or the counselor or the
principal himself. Here are just a few of the most recent examples.
Mrs. Wilson your son was splashing on another
child in the bathroom urinal; my youngest just learned what a urinal was this
Mrs. Wilson we
caught your son urinating outside behind a tree by the play ground.
Mrs. Wilson
can you come and help with your child he wet his pants.

to do what to do.
Today we had
no pee problems and I was so happy.
I potty
trained each my boys before they were even two I guess the outside method is
coming back to haunt me.

So life has
been great at our end and we are so thankful for all we have been given we know
we are blessed we would be ungrateful to complain so we try to smile and keep
on a movingJ

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Summer has come and it has GONE!
It has been a wild summer this year. It started off with family coming out our ears which is always good and well sometimes not. LOL We had most of Kim's family this summer for one reason or another and like always enjoyed it while it lasted.
We traveled to UT for a Reunion in August and had a good time with my family it had been a year sense I saw them all together. The greatest news this summer is that my little brother Franz and his beautiful wife Chelsea had there little girl Arianna sealed to them in the Draper temple for time and eternity. It was such a great and beautiful memory to share with them.
we also had the pleasure to visit Kim's parents in Idaho Falls this last week and see most of the family as well. That was a bit much at times and yet wonderful life is so funny that way.
The million $$$$$ question. Have we found anyone to adopt yet?
We are working on the adoption process. It is overwhelming at times and seems unkind. We know that she or they are out there we know it won't be much longer not sure how we know that but we just do. We know there are certain little spirits out there and waiting to be in our family. Boy are they in for a ride... Anyway we are excited to find them and can't wait the process of bringing them in our home and our hearts.
Well this will have to do for now till I have a few more mins to write about our children and what everyone has been up to. Till next time
God bless.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The little things in Life

So The summer has come and gone. School has started and my last one at home is off to Kindergarten and I am thrilled. Wha-hooo You heard me, there was No crying at the bus stop or asking myself what I was going to do all day. I have had this day planned for a while now. Don't get me wrong I love being a full time stay at home mom. But I have never had a day care or a regular sitter or preschool in almost 10 years. So when this day came I new just what I would do with all my time.
I would date my husband again
so 8:00am the house is clear of kiddos and it's quiet and so Kim Mowed the lawn and I cleaned the kitchen up from breakfast. I did some laundry and 10:00 comes and go's I get dressed and Kim finished the yard and washing the little car. We desided to go on a date. We went to a 11:30 lunch and then shopping at Sports authority and than Walmart and held hands and checked our blood pressure at the Pharmacy and it was nice.
Our boys are growing so fast and I'm okay with that sure it go's by fast and I loved them as baby's but there turning into Young men and that is because of Kim and I we did that and I love watching the progress they make and how there personalities grow. We are so blessed to have each other.
Each morning we kneel in our living room together as a family and we thank our father in heaven for the blessings he has given us and we ask him for things we need. I listen to my boys and often times cry thinking what strong spirits they are. Andy asks each morning to please help him do the things that are hard for him and to not be tempted to be angery. How many of us ask for these small things and yet so justified. How many of us thank Him for helping our cars not crash or not have a stranger hurt us. I love how this little person thanks fim for things he needs before he even asks him for it. It's as if his faith will carry it through and he knows so he is five steps ahead and already thanking him for it. I pray I can be more like this and I thank God for all my beautiful children and my loving husband.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Simple things in life

There are so many things in this life that make me smile. husband fast asleep after a long day at the hospital. boys sleeping on Kim's lap while watching a movie.
3.Kim getting me a Archery bow so that I could spend more time with him.
4.Grape soda
5.stormy nights and the sound of thunder and the flash of lighting outside.
6.Chicken Chimichanggas with rice and beans and salsa.
7.My family(they make me smile and cry) cookie ice cream with hot fudge.
9.riding my bike for a few hours
10.seeing my little ones run around the house in there underwear.
12.Nathan thinking he can speak Spanish.
14.thinking about adopting a girl/girls prayer and hearing my boys pray for each other.
16.watching my boys being kind to one and other.
17singing to my boys each night for the last 9+ years.
18.beautiful music husband singing to me while playing the guitar.
20.Kim-Kim-Kim-Kim-Kim-Kim when no one else can make me smile he can. Poppa
22.My big brother Kip
23.The plan of salvation
25.A good movie
26.camping under the stars*
27.funny people

We have so much to look at in this life. When we are down or out just smile and think to your self, I have been given so much. We are not alone he hears and and wants us to trust in him. Life can be messy and crazy and so much more but I'm so thankful for the small things that make me smile:)

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Little Faith Go's A Long Way

There has been allot on my mind these weeks. I have noticed that the more you reach out in this life the more people stare and wonder and are just curious I think.

Kim and I have a what you could call exciting, fast passed, usually out of the norm, educational life. Not to say if your life isn't like ours it is boring. But there have been a many days I am wondering what it will be like to have that so called boring feeling. For years we have traveled from here to there and have met new people and left old friends. We have been in the military and have traveled from one end of the US to the other and loved all places we have been. We have been just plane broke at times in our life to finely being able to make all the bills and some. We have worked in the hospital and lived in the hospital. We have had a few close calls with certain children. We have had health problems and loss of loved ones. We have gone days with living in the same house but not seeing eachother due to school full time and working in the medical feild.

But life has never forgot us or left us alone in the dark. God has been there each step of the way we have counted on him for love and support and guidance. We are thankful for the struggles we have faced thus far and because of them know we can get through anything that blows our way. Because we are not alone and I believe he has a plan and we are part of it how boring life would be if we sat idley by and watched the crash of the wave go by. I for one am thankful to have road it and crash a few times to know the thrill and feeling it is to get up and try again and know the magnitude of such power.

Life is a ride but you have to get on don't sit and watch it go by grab your rain boots and get a little wet. And do a little good today.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So as you may know Kim and I are adding to our family. We are very excited about it and have been waiting for the right time to do so now for a few years. Well the time is here and we are adopting a girl/girls which ever it may be. We are thrilled and nervous for it to take place. So now that the paper work and leg work of it all is finished and we have completed our home study we are beginning to look for the rest of our family. It is a big world but we know Heavenly Father knows right were she is. So we are going to be patient and trust in him. Some of you may think wow more children after what they have now. These two are crazy, rest assured yes we are. But we are so happy to have this opportunity. We are adopting out of the foster system so we know there is going to be some challenges and we say bring it on...We fill we have been trained for this moment for years and that so much of what we have gone through and are going through has been for this reason and this we are thankful for. I know our daughter is out there waiting for us to find her and i already feel a love for this spirit I have yet to meet in this life. Well I just wanted to share our good news with all those who are interested. wish us luck on our journey...Till we meet again

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lifes full of blessings

Well time is flying by, I can't believe school will be out in a few short months and that my youngest will be starting school this fall. I'm so thrilled about it. I also can't wait for the tulips to pop up and the grass to turn green and to start weed whacking and mowing the grass again. I love spring time.

Kim has finished his Military application for the P.A program. physician Assistant. He would start in the spring or summer of 2012 which means we would be moving back to San Antonio Texas. There are mixed feelings. We love it here in Idaho and I can't believe I would ever come to that point. But this would be the hardest move in 11 years time and we have moved allot. but we will be back some day.

We are working on the adoption process still and getting so close. It is hard to believe we will be adding more to our family. We are so thrilled! I guess we just don't have enough going on already. :) Life is funny that way but we know we are in good hands.

We have been so blessed over the 10 years of our marriage. We have three sweet, beautiful boys and Kim has always had work to provide for the family and has been able to attend school as well. I'm so thankful that I have had the choice to stay home with our boys through all these years and for the good man that has made that possible. Often times i think can you really handle more, do you really want more? And yes I do and I guess we will see if I can handle it. LOL I always love a good adventure and I think we are going in head first to this one.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Never boring around here.

So I hear people say things like "I'm so Bord now that my kids are in school" or "I just sit there in the quiet house and try to think of something to do" I'm sorry I can not even comprehend this feeling. I truly hope I do someday but it will not be soon I'm for sure.

As you know Kim has been working for months on this Physician Assistant Application for Fort Sam. You would not believe what is involved in it all. The application is in a 4 inch binder and he still has more to go. If he is excepted which he will be. We would be moving from Idaho to San Antonio TX for his medical training. He will be such a good P.A This also means Active duty military for our family for the next 7 years.

Next news, We have been working on allot more paperwork as well. We are trying to adopt. We are so close to being finished with all the paper work classes and home study. we are looking for our little girls. We are adopting from the foster system. So we know this brings it's own struggles but Andy has prepared us well. little shocks us these days. We are all so happy about it we can't wait to see her.

The boys are doing great in school and are happy it's warming up and that Summer is near. We love it hear in Idaho and the weather had been nice I can't wait to mow my front grass. I better hit a tanning bed.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Family 2011 and more to come

These are people I see and love every day. Each face brings a happiness to me. My boys are the most inportant thing to me in this world that includes my husband he is a little boy at heart and loves to play. If only he had 24 hours a day to do so his life would be perfect. Im a blessed and lucky woman to be able to put up w/ each of them. LOL